Macquarie University’s Academic Senate convened for its third meeting of the year on May 30th. Here are the top five takeaways from the meeting:
1. Establishment of Macquarie University College Board
In recognition of the College’s maturity and its current place as an integral part of the University’s academic community, Senate has endorsed the establishment of the Macquarie University College Board for approval by the Vice-Chancellor. The Board will exercise general responsibility for the academic governance of academic matters related to the functioning of the College in line with that undertaken by a Faculty Board. The Macquarie University College Subcommittee will be disestablished following the establishment of the new Board. The Delegations of Authority and Academic Standards and Quality Committee Terms of Reference will be amended to reflect these changes.
2. Course of Study Reaccreditation
Academic Senate approved full reaccreditation for the Bachelor of Commerce and the suite of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Psychology courses, noting this is the first tranche of course reaccreditation proposals to be received under the Course of Study Reaccreditation Policy. Amongst a number of changes in response to the review process, the Bachelor of Commerce course will address the goal of increasing the number of female and indigenous students. The Psychology courses will see the introduction of a new unit for undergraduate students on what it means to work in the sector. The reviews of the postgraduate courses focussed on ensuring the course structures allowed students to complete requirements, including the industry placement, within two years.
3. Thematic Review Report – Inherent Requirements and Fitness to Practice Procedures for Practical, Clinical or Professional Courses
The Deputy Dean (Education and Employability) from the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences is leading a thematic review of Inherent Requirements and Fitness to Practice (FTP) procedures in Practical, Clinical or Professional Courses. The review found that the institutional framework and linkage between the relevant policies and procedures is working well overall, but there are some areas for improvement. These include revising the definitions of Schedules 2 and 3 of the Academic Progression Policy which list the practical, clinical and professional courses of study designed to meet standards for accreditation or endorsement with external professional bodies as well as those with embedded placements or other mandated requirements reviewing and updating the FTP Procedure and guidance documents, and developing and delivering education regarding Inherent Requirements and FTP for relevant courses across the institution. Academic Senate approved the recommendations from the review and the establishment of Steering Committee to develop, implement and monitor the Thematic Review Success Plan.
4. Post-implementation Review of Academic Integrity Policy
The Academic Senate reviewed the proposed amendments to the Academic Integrity Policy. This policy sets out the principles, responsibilities, and practices that underpin the University’s commitment to promoting and upholding academic integrity. Feedback has been gathered from the broader academic community via the Policy Central Bulletin Board and a survey of staff and students Some of the proposed amendments include clarifying some clauses and updating the policy to reflect emerging issues such as generative artificial intelligence. A revised draft of the policy will be presented to the Senate Learning and Teaching Committee before returning to the next meeting of Academic Senate for approval.
5. Higher Degree Research (HDR) Admissions Policy and Procedure and Higher Degree Research Deferment of a Course Offer Procedure
The Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) advised that the draft policies and procedures were developed in response to the Higher Education Threshold Standards for admission to HDR courses and will provide clarity for HDR students about the requirements for admission and progression. Senate approved the draft HDR Admissions Policy and Procedure, as well as the draft HDR Deferment of a Course Offer Procedure, noting that the Higher Degree Research Rules will be reviewed against the new Policy as part of a broader review.
Policies Under Review / Development
The following key policies are under review :
- Academic Integrity Policy;
- Assessment Policy and Assessment Procedure;
- Higher Degree Research Rules; and
- Special Consideration Policy and Special Consideration Procedure.
The fourth Senate meeting of 2023 will be held on 25 July. Keep an eye out for our ThisWeek notice in mid-July giving staff an opportunity to observe, or contact the Governance Secretariat by email at
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